July 20, 2013


I'm sure most of you are aware that last week Cory Monteith passed away. Some of you may not really care but to all the Gleeks, myself included, it was pretty devastating news to wake up to on a Sunday morning.

Finn was never my favourite character on Glee but I still really liked him and his loss is going to leave a gaping hole in the show. Any tribute episode they do for Cory is going to be all kinds of emotional to watch and I honestly feel for Lea Michele and the rest of the cast having to film it.

Anyway, as I said, I'm a Gleek and in honour of Cory I thought I'd put together a little playlist of my favourite Finn performances. I hope you enjoy it. 

And last but not least, where it all began just over 4 years ago.
Don't Stop Believing

RIP Cory. You will be missed.


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